You think print is dying? May be Yes, just to be reincarnated as personalized print.
Let’s compare the old printing traditions with new personalized print and see the paradigm shift:
1. Newspapers are declining as you can new highlights instantly on your mobile phone and web browser.
2. Phone books are the thing of past, as you can find every information you need on Google in matter of seconds.
3. Kindle is taking over the hard-copy books, as you can read at your convenience on your kindle or mobile app without needing a book mark or highlighter.
4. Advertisements and brochures are going digital way.
And many more such digital replacements for print products.
However, that does not mean the print industry itself is diminishing, it merely means the industry is changing, and businesses must switch up their strategy to leverage print media with changing customer perspective and buying behavior.
Let’s see how and why:
Print Feels Real
A well designed and targeted print ad can reinforce your brand value in a way that a website banner ad never will. Glossy paper, high-quality print and the impact of full color means customers are seeing a brand represented at its professional best.
Personalized Gifting
Personalized gifting or corporate freebies are the greatest ways to have a prospective client remember you. Nothing digital can replace the ecstasy of receiving a free stuff.
Variable Data Printing
According to an independent survey, 4 out of 5 customers say, they read or at least scan the personalized direct mail marketing materials they receive and act on them right away. Today, companies are using technologies like Variable Data Printing for personalized ads and marketing campaigns to deliver personalized marketing material to their targeted consumers.
Marketing Material
If you are in business in today’s digital age, you need a website. However an independent survey highlights that 44% of the consumers reported visiting a website only after they receiving a direct mail marketing material from the business. Print is still the leading medium to lean people towards digital channel of business.
Custom Packaging Materials
Boxes, packaging and personalized labels etc. all are a part of the product branding that have no digital equivalent and will keep print alive well into the future.
wrapping Up
All I can say is, Print is here to stay. It just need to evolve in its new avatar to match up to the digital transformation of the world. Drop us a comment here or email us at [email protected] and one of our staff member will connect with you with a solution best suited to your business requirements.